Hi there! I’m Angela, the artist behind A.G. Sammer Prints. I work on linoleum and woodblock prints from my home studio here in Fayetteville, AR.  I’m a long time art history nerd with particular interest in German Expressionist printmakers and illuminated manuscripts from the early middle ages. (A strange combination, I know!)

I spent my academic career studying printmaking but did not begin working in it until 2019. I realized that I had always been drawn to this medium not because I was meant to critique it, but because I was meant to create with it.

My inspiration comes from the artwork of the historical Christian church. The imagery is rich with symbol that a good many of us hold in our collective awarenesses. I want to join the long tradition of telling the story of the Kingdom of God in our midst. The stories I tell are old and universal, but I hope to situate them in my lived life. So you’ll see elements of life in the Ozarks sprinkled in there as well.

I love talking with folks about ideas for commissions. If you’re interested, please reach out to me on the Connect page!